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wero FAQ
Submit a request
Submit a request
Your email address
Describe in details your issue
Phone OS
Please select what is the mobile OS installed on your phone
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
What is your mobile phone number connected to wero? (ex. +33 6 012345678)
What is your date of birth? (DD/MM/YYYY)
Why do you need to block your wero app?
What is your email address?
What bank would you like to add to wero?
Describe in details your issue
What is the date and time of your issue? (DD/MM at HH:MM)
What phone number or email address would you like to report?
Select the reason of your report:
Select the reason of your report:
What is your first name?
What bank would you like to add to wero?
Please select your bank
Add file
or drop files here